
Examples Of A Concrete Poem

Physical Poem

A concrete poem is a poem that is written so that the shape of the words on the page matches the subject field of the poem. Sometimes, concrete poetry is called "shape" verse.

While the term concrete verse form did non originate until the 1950s, poets as far back as ancient Greece were arranging words and letters on the page to raise the meaning of the writing.

Examples of Concrete Poem:

Every twenty-four hour period.
A different priority.
Slowly making progress
toward success, success, success.
No time to stop, to residue, to capeesh
the modest things around me-the air, the flowers,
even the people I encounter are standing in the manner of the climb.

From George Herbert'southward "Easter Wings"
Lord, who createdest man in wealth and shop,
Though foolishly he lost the same,
Decaying more and more,
Till he became
Most poore:
With thee
O let me ascent
As larks, harmoniously,
And sing this day thy victories,
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.

Lewis Carroll'south "The Mouse's Tale" appears in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland:

From Dylan Thomas' "Vision and Prayer"
Are you lot
Who is born
In the next room
Then loud to my own
That I can hear the womb
Opening and the nighttime run
Over the ghost and the dropped son
Behind the wall thin equally a wren's bone?
In the birth encarmine room unknown
To the fire and turn of time
And the heart print of man
Bows no baptism
But dark alone
Approving on
The wild

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