
How To Use First Aid Kit Kenshi

Medical Supplies.png

Medical Items are items which can be used to heal characters. Medical Items are entirely divide from the trade skilful Medical Supplies, which has no functional use. Outset Help Kits and Splint Kits can be used on all non-skeleton races. Healing with bandages and splints is slow, and it is recommended that characters residual in a Bed or a Camp Bed if they are heavily injured.

Characters which are Skeletons or accept robot limbs will need Skeleton Repair Kits to heal their robotic torso parts. Skeletons and robot limbs regenerate to a slightly lower health after each time they are damaged, just this wear and tear can be repaired with a Skeleton Repair Bed. If characters are not-skeleton with robot limbs, their not-robotic body parts will be repaired at a loftier charge per unit while sleeping on a Repair Bed as well.

Starting time Assistance Kits

Advanced First Aid Kit.png

First aid kits are used to heal whatever organic parts of the body. First Aid Kits currently come in three sizes, and while the basic kit needs only fabric to make the more advanced kits require hemp too:

Pic Kit Blazon Charges AVG Toll Quality Filigree Size Charge/Cat Charge/Grid
Basic First Aid Kit.png
Basic 150 c.70 5 1x2 2.fourteen 75
Standard First Aid Kit.png
Standard 400 c.138 40 2x2 2.xc 100
Advanced First Aid Kit.png
Advanced 1000 c.265 100 2x3 three.77 166.67

Splint Kits

Advanced Splint Kit.png

Splint Kits are used to temporarily give HP to significantly damaged organic limbs. If a limb falls beneath 50 health, a Splint Kit tin can be used to fix it. Splinting is done automatically after healing if the medic has a kit.

The splint kit currently comes in 2 different sizes.

Flick Kit Type Charges AVG Price Quality Grid Size
Splint Kit.png
Splint Kit 100 c.410 25 2x2
Advanced Splint Kit.png
Avant-garde Splint Kit 100 c.311 fifty 3x3


Skeleton Repair Kits are used to repair damage done to Robotic parts.

Picture Kit Type Charges AVG Price Quality Filigree Size
Authentic Skeleton Repair Kit.png
Authentic Skeleton Repair Kit 100 c.1,550 xx 2x3
Skeleton Repair Kit.png
Skeleton Repair Kit 500 c.four,341 50 2x3

Robot Limbs

Robot Limbs are a necessity in a world where everything either wants to impale y'all or swallow you up. Kenshi is a dangerous globe and losing a limb or ii is a large possibility. Luckily scavenged parts from a forgotten era can easily exist a replacement for a lost limb.

After a character of any race has a limb drib to -100% of the limb's total possible health, they lose that limb. There are settings in the Options Menu which can increase or decrease the likelihood of loss of limbs. If they are healed before they dice of bloodloss, this limb tin be replaced with a Robot Limb. Skeletons are not exempt from losing limbs in this way.


All First Assist Kits and Splints can be purchased from relevant Traders or produced at a Medical Demote.

Robotic Repair Kits can exist created at a Robotics Demote.

Factoring Skill

First Aid, Splint and Skeleton Repair Kits possess a quality modifier, which must be met past your Field Medic or Robotics skills to be effectively used. Having a college skill also reduces the speed in which the Kit will be used up.

How To Use First Aid Kit Kenshi,


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